Cherie Brodie Award

At our opening for 2022/23 we exhibited “Depression to Despair” by Cherie Brodie, of St Kilda in Victoria Australia. Cherie could not attend the exhibition, but her cousin, Michelle Maciejewski, did.

Battling C-PTSD, Severe Anxiety and Clinical Depression over the past decade had seen me go from the frying pan into the fire.

I began documenting my thoughts, feelings and emotions of whatever was going on. I had to. So much was going on. I felt no-one understood. No believed me.

For over a decade, I experienced a relentless, bizarre and frightening time of my life. This led to an onset of suicidal thoughts, so many I lost count. The thought of my kids kept me from ending it. I love my kids more than Life itself. They’re my blood. My soul. My heart.

So, I get up again.
And then I smile again.
And then I hold onto the good feelings when they come back again.
And I try to just rest during the bad feelings and moments in time.

And that’s how I survive my thoughts.

Sadly 13 days after the exhibition’s awards night, Cherie had an aneurysm burst in her brain. There was some progress but sadly on the 3rd of November 2022, she had several strokes and passed away. Michelle contacted Out From The Mist organisers to thank them for the happiness and hope the competition/exhibition brought to Cherie in the last few weeks of her life.

Out from The Mist has since started working with Cherie’s daughter, Ashleigh. In memory of Cherie, a new photographer award in Cherie’s name will recognise an emerging artist every year.

Out From The Mist along with Mental Illness Fellowship Australia is raising funds to put towards the Cherie Brodie Award. Funds raised will go to the winning artist of the award.

Donations can be made via Mental Illness Fellowship which is a registered Charity in Australia, any donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible.